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Guided Imagery for Pelvic Pain

Chronic pelvic pain is experienced by millions of women worldwide and is often treated with surgeries, hormones, and pain medications. Using integrative practices such as diet modification, meditation, and movement, women are more likely to see a decrease in pain and an increase in quality of life.


Dr. Dance's research focuses on a non-invasive and cost effective approach to cope with endometriosis while using guided imagery (a form of medication). With language to relax the muscles in the body and calling warm light to the pelvis, women are able to target healing energy and disengage with feelings of discomfort or pain.


Women reported feeling at peace and relaxed. Pain levels were reduced in some women while others felt less anxious in their daily lives. Many women who typically struggled with insomnia (or "pain-somnia") were able to have more restful sleep.


To access the unique guided imagery for endometriosis, you can listen here

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